Tuesday, August 7, 2007

So far, so good...

Greetings loyal readers,

Well, by now you know there's another day that's been set aside each week. Saturday is the Sabbath, Wednesday is Prince spaghetti day and now : Tuesday is Mom's chemo day. Here's the latest and greatest...

Mom was accompanied today by my Aunt Margot, who is visiting from Florida. Mom had an appointment with her oncologist prior to her chemo session. Per Dr. Mellott, Mom is looking very good. Her blood tests have been positive -- her numbers (hemoglobin, et al) are where they need to be. Most excitingly, the doctor told Mom that her liver had shrunk, which is a sign that the chemo is working. Needless to say, this is fantastic news. The doctor has told Mom that she doesn't want her to lose any weight. Yes, you read that right, the doctor doesn't want her to lose any weight. I *think* Mom was actually more excited about this bit of news, than that of her shrunken liver. To celebrate, she promptly ordered a hot fudge sundae with a side of bacon.

(Of course I'm kidding about the order...we all know Mom keeps kosher. Instead the order was a hot fudge sundae with a side of onion rings)

Chemo itself went well. Today was the last (3rd) session in Mom's second round of treatment. On August 15th, Mom will be going in for a CAT scan. Please pray extra hard for Mom...this test is a very big deal. The test will reveal how well the chemo is working, i.e., whether her tumors have shrunk.

I'm pleased to report that Mom's glue appears to be holding, so her darling tresses remain in tact. Mom is in good spirits, no doubt bolstered by her many well-wishers. Aunt Margot and daughter Wendy (or Wenny Benny as her friends call her) will head back to Florida in a few hours and Mom will receive yet another out-of-towner. Jeni B. (daughter of one of Mom's best friends who died several years ago), is leaving her Montana yurt ( and heading to the Windy City. No doubt culture shock and other hilarity will ensue.

That's all for now....

Your Faithful Corrspondent,

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