Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Pre-Chemo Posting

Greetings Loyal Readers,

Today, you're getting a brief pre-chemo post, which will (eventually) be followed by a chemo recap. Now I'm sure you are squirming in your respective seats with anticipation. After all, with the promise of goodies galore this is a bit like Halloween isn't it? Well, with the lone exception of Halloween candy, nothing in life if free, but more on that later. Instead, let's move on to another holiday...

As you probably guessed (not just probably, of course you loyal readers are oh so smart), YFC is going to give you a brief recap of Thanksgiving. Well, it's a traditional North American holiday to celebrate the harvest. It is observed on the 4th Thursday of November in the U.S., whereas our Canadian friends celebrate on the 2nd Monday in October (ahh Canadians....they're kind of like our non-threatening, distant relatives to the North. You scarcely think about or see them, except for maybe once a year. They don't really have great toys, but they play nice and will always share with you. And when they leave you think to yourself "hey that wasn't so bad we should see them more often" and then promptly forget them and play with your new model train).

Anyhow, I suppose that FoMmie Nation knows all about the origins of Thanksgiving. You wanted to know about Mom's Thanksgiving didn't you? Of course you did. Anyhow, we celebrated at Chez Berba (better known as Aunt Roberta's house) with the family. All the usual suspects were there:
  • Mom, YFC & Melvin the Sis
  • Berba, UM (Uncle Marc for the uninitiated)
  • Bubby (grandmother)
  • Uncle Aaron, Haley (cousin, possible Canadian), Lizzy (Uncle's paramour)
  • Cousin Tobi and Daughter Jill (to be clear, that'd be Cosuin Tobi's daughter, not YFC's)
  • Isabelle and Addie (friends)

Mom's contribution to the Thanksgiving meal was a delicious chopped salad (the delicious quotient was increased markedly by Mom's inclusion of diced dates...such an epicurean that Mom o' mine). The salad was large enough that it could have sustained the French army through a Russian winter; however, with the appetites in our family, it scarcely lasted us a full 5 minutes.

YFC made a chestnut mushroom soup. If you're interested, the recipe is here (though I confess I'm embarrassed to send you to blog deux because it has been sorely neglected. It's somewhat akin to inviting one into a messy house, and if you've been to YFC's casa lately, you'd understand the analogy).

There's so much more to tell, but my loyal readers will have to wait for the follow-up post. But remember that reference to nothing being free (except for Halloween candy, but we've covered that ground already)? Well, Mom is having her appointment with Cotton Troll at 12:30 p.m. today (of course Doc Cotton tends to run on TST -- Troll Standard Time, which is about 25 minutes behind). YFC requests that FoMmie Nation send Mom some positive thoughts/prayers at half past noon. Sure it's a bit of a quid pro quo, but when you compare the cost of YFC's updates with that of a gingerbread latte from Starbucks, it's really a hellluva deal.

More soon kiddies...


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