Greetings FoMmies,
It's been a long time since Your Faithful Correspondent reached out to you and if truth be told there's a reason for that. You see, Loyal Readers, YFC was tired. Not just physically, but spiritually and emotionally too.
Mom's passi

ng has taken YFC and his trusty Sidekick (that'd be Michelle, who's been elevated from #2 status) on an emotional roller coaster. And not one of them new-fangled rol

ler coasters either, we're talking the low-tech, extra-rickety variety where you wanna vomit immediately upon disembarking from the ride. In other words, the no fun kind.
Some days are better than others. On Labor Day I spent time with my friend Sue and her family. Chloe, Sue's 3-year old daughter, asked me several tim

es where Mom was and Yours Truly got pretty choked up. Later, we took a walk to the park and YFC asked Chloe who her best friend was. "You are," she replied (it goes without saying that Chloe is exceptionally bright for her age, this statement merely confirms it). YFC then asked "who's my best friend?" to which she responded "Sharon."
From the mouth of babes...
In other news, good friends Kim & Nathan, who did a yeoman's job of supporting YFC when he needed it most, will be making a return to the Windy City this weekend. Also, YFC will be volunteering at the
stgarten Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk on Sunday. Kim, like the trooper that she is, has offered to volunteer as well. It should be a bit emotional, but Your Faithful Correspondent is tough (though if worse comes to worse, Kim will just have to carry him home).
Things on the home front have been...erm...challenging. It's interesting seeing how people respond in a situation like this. Some people fold like a deck of cards (certainly not YOU, but that guy 3 names down on the e-mail list...simply

awful), whereas others are like a rock (and still others are like a giant cliche from Clicheland, which attacks much like Godzilla attacked Tokyo, except instead of breathing fire, the weapon of choice is trite analogies). Hmm, there must be a point to this somewhere...ah yes, people. Well, the rock people have really, erm...rocked (note: find new editor/copywriter). The cards and phone calls of support that we've received are still so very much appreciated. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
And YFC thanks YOU especially.
(The Sidekick would want me to express her thanks too, but she can write her own blog)
Ah what the heck,
our most heartfelt thanks.