This e-mail is going to be a little bit different than you're used to because it's not written post-chemo, but rather a pre-test (did you catch that boys and girls? -- two count 'em 2 differences...pre vs. post and chemo vs. test. If you didn't catch that, shame on you! No, I kid, but you should really read more carefully, this is important stuff). Plus, there's going to be an interactive part to this e-mail, but more on that later.
As you know from reading the weekly updates, Mom has already completed 2 full rounds of chemo, which she started approximately 2 months ago. On Wednesday, August 15th, Mom is going in for a CAT scan to see how the treatment has been working. Needless to say we are all cautiously optimistic that Mom will receive a glowing report (if Mom were getting radiation treatment her report might be glowing quite literally, but here the term was used in the figurative sense). We're hoping that the test reveals that the cancerous tumors have shrunk, which would put Mom well on the road to recovery (if Mom were looking over my shoulder now -- she does that you know -- she'd doubtless tell you that she'd also like to be on the road to Miami. So droll that Mother of mine!)...
Here's the nitty-gritty -- Mom will go for her appointment at 10:00 a.m., at which point she gets to drinks loads and loads of yummy barium (now with more fiber!). This is what she'll be drinking (albeit in liquid form):

Where were we? That's right, barium. You stayed with me that time...good! (For those of you who didn't quite catch it, that was a picture of barium.) At approximately 11:30 a.m. Mom will go in for the CAT scan, which should only take about 10 minutes. We'll probably get the results back no later than Friday.
***Here's the interactive portion that you've all been waiting for***
Many of you have asked what you can do to help and I know that you are very sincere in wanting to assist. Well, you can. I'm asking all of my faithful readers to say a special prayer for Mom this Wednesday, August 15th at 11:30 a.m. Now I know that many of you are already keeping Mom in your daily prayers and it has already helped so very much. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Here's the idea for Wednesday: we're trying to concentrate everyone's prayers at one time so that G-d can understand how truly special Mom is. If you can't pray at precisely 11:30 a.m., not to worry (but do try to pray earlier that day, if possible).
See, I told you this would be a different kind of update. Plus, I gave you a pretty picture too. Well, we're at the time now where Mom is going to look over my shoulder to give this a once-over (she just did...I passed!) so I'll take this as my cue to wrap this up.
I thank you so very much for all of your continued prayers and warm wishes. You support means so very much to Mom and all of our family.
Your faithful correspondent,
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