Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A New Schedule

Greetings Loyal Readers,


Your Faithful Correspondent is under the weather today. Actually, he's been under the weather for the past few days so he could not accompany Mom to chemo this afternoon. But YFC was ably replaced by Dutiful Sister and Trudy (no one person can replace YFC), who made her maiden appearance as a Chemo Buddy this week. Trudy hails all the way from New Mexico (which contrary to popular belief is not really part of Mexico at all) making her the furthest traveled Chemo Buddy to date...well done Trudy!

Dr. Mellott gave Mom the once over and pronounced her fit. However, Mom is going to be on a new chemotherapy regimine. She is now going to chemo every other week (so, since this week was on, next week is off, etc.) and Mom will be having her treatment on Mondays. Nothing like starting the week off with a bang, eh? So if you'd like to become a Chemo Buddy, check your calendars and e-mail Mom ASAP -- spaces are going to be increasingly hard to come by.

While you have your calendars out, you might want to jot down these very important dates:
March 17 - Mom's next appointment with Dr. Mellott
March 18 - Mom's energy healer will heal 'er. Get it, healer -- heal her-- heal 'er? Look, it's not comic genius, but a certain someone has already told you that he's under the weather. After all he's done for you, perhaps you should cut him some slack.
March 20 - Mom gets a CT scan and has blood work done to determine the results of last week's radiation procedure
March 25 - Mom sees Dr. Sato to get results of aforementioned tests, discusses next steps

A little birdie told YFC that one of my Loyal Readers wasn't sure what kind of procedure Mom had last week. While that was not one of the 74 updates that YFC oh-so-kindly provided, the issue had been discussed ad nauseum in previous episodes of The Chronicle. So, if you think you might've missed something, YFC invites you to check the official website of The Chemo Chronicle: You're also welcome to leave feedback for Yours Truly on the website (a special shout out to my Cousinie Scott, who is the loyalest among the loyal in this regard).

Speaking of feedback, YFC has received several requests to bring back the mailbag. So without further ado, we have this query:

Dear YFC,

As impressed as I am with your writing, I am even more awed by your faithfulness. What do you think is the source of this great attribute?

I'm Not Alone Wanting Explanation

Well IN AWE, it's nice to hear from you. It's hard to pinpoint an exact cause of YFC's faithfulness, but it probably has to do with the fact that he was Bar Mitzvahed. Twice. Yes, that's right IN AWE, Your Faithful Correspondent was Bar Mitzvahed once in Chicago and once in Jerusalem (at the Western Wall). Can't get too much more faithful than that can you? Take that Melvin!

So sorry that you had to see that unseemly display of sibling rivalry, but YFC really isn't himself today with the congestion and sore throat and whatnot. Your Faithful Correspondent is going to have to cut this short -- gotta take some cold meds. Tell you what though, YFC promises to make it up to you real soon, k?

Wishing everyone the best of health...



Scott said...

Do you need any Chicken Soup?
I can have Aunt Mary cook some for you. I am sure she will feed you wipe your chin wihen you spill, etc.
Feel better.
Cousinie Scott

Corey Novick said...

I'm still sick but I think I am very s-l-o-w-l-y getting better.

I think I'll pass on the chicken soup for now -- I could really go for some prime rib though.

Thanks for your concern.


Anonymous said...

Well said.