Today is a very special day because Your Faithful Correspondent has

Well, wonder no longer my Loyal Readers for Your Faithful Correspondent comes bearing the answers to all your queries. That sense of inner well-being you're feeling has to do with the fact that #2 is approximately 7,459 miles (or 12,004 kilometers if you're into that kinda thing and you know you are --you cheeky little monkey) away. A certain someone who writes a certain blog sure feels good about it. After all, nothing says relaxation to YFC like having a good bit of distance between him and his baby sister (say oh, a minimum if 12,000km or so). Melvin is in Taipei visiting her best friend Ting and her goddaughter Zoe. You'll hafta gues

All good things must come to an end, dontcha know? Melvin returns from her vacay on Friday. Now what's so special about Friday that she'd interrupt her brother's bliss? Why it the day Mom has her next procedure of course (don't look so surprised, if you'd been paying attention you would have known that already). Yep, this Friday is undergoing Round 2 of radiation treatment. The basics will be the same as before, except that last time they targeted the left side of the liver and this time they're targeting the right. In case you need a refresher on the mechanics click away... That's right kiddies, those links are actually pretty useful and they're provided at absolutely no cost to you. Why? You know it's always about love with YFC.
Now that we're feeling all lovey-dovey, let's come full circle for a moment now. Remember when YFC promised you an interactive posting and we made that little deal? Well, as you know, Mom is going to have more radiation Friday because the tumor in her liver has decided that it doesn't want to get any smaller. Somebody needs to put that ol' cancer bully in its place and that's where you come in (that's right, YFC is talking 'bout Y O U). So if my Loyal Readers could possibly say a kind word or two to the Big Guy Upstairs that would be greatly appreciated.
And speaking of appreciated, Mom still gets a lot of positive energy from reading your cards and e-mails. Thanks to all of you who continue to send her good wishes. Not only does it mean a lot to Mom, but to Melvin and YFC, as well.
Finally speaking of YFC, the fact that 1.5 is coming back in town poses is a frightening prospect.

Wait. No really you need to wait. Look there's a blog being written now, can you just hold on a bit? Oh all right, what is it then? You wanted to tell YFC that you're still trying to picture Cleveland, Mexican style? Oh all right, once again it's YFC to the rescue..sigh...think about a large industrial city, the kind that...oh dunno...might have it's main river catch on fire. Repeatedly. Now picture that same city topped with gobs of nacho cheese sauce, the kind you get on ballpark nachos. That's Monterrey.
Getting back to matters at hand...Oh what now? Nachos are really more Tex-Mex than Mexican? Look, YFC needs to finish up this posting

Your Faithful Correspondent will try to have his first international posting next week. With any luck, he'll be able to bring you lots of great pictures from Mexico.
Now YFC has been very patient with all of your incessant interruptions, (what got into you today?). Be a dear and remember to say some kind words to the Big Man and always remember to THINK SHRINK!
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