Your Faithful Correspondent is coming to you a bit earlier this week to bring you some VERY GOOD NEWS.
Mom received a call from her oncologist today and received a very positive post-PET scan report. Per the doc, there's not much activity in the pancreas (phew! this is what we were most worried about) and things are looking better in the liver too. The doctor said that her scan looked much better than it did in June of last year and that she was very happy with Mom's progress. And as YFC always says (well, always says starting today at least), if the doc is happy, then he's happy. So, even if complete recovery is taking a little bit longer than we'd like, this is still a cause for a little celebration. Anyone care to join Yours Truly for a celebratory glass of vino?
In other news, Mom and YFC passed some time at Fox & Obel today. It's worth mentioning because 1) it's uber chic and 2) they apparently have good chopped liver and good whitefish salad. Who knew?

In other news, this weekend Bubby turns the big Ocho-Cinco. For those of you who don't speak Spanish and/or who aren't very good at math, that means that my darling grandmother will soon be entering triple digits. Or something like that. So we'll be off for brunch (whitefish salad perhaps?) and hopefully that should be delish.
And speaking of delish, YFC made ice cream for the first time in his new ice cream maker (previously he made a couple of sorbets and some blueberry frozen yogurt, but that's another story). Anyhow, would you believe he made Nutella ice cream? Tis true! And it was only 2 ingredients too -- Nutella (an impossibly smooth chocolate-hazelnut spread) and evaporated milk. Unbelievably yummy, though a tad sweet (oh, and it looked a bit like poo, but this is a family blog, so we won't get into that). For his next attempt YFC will use a different brand (lower sugar) of chocolate-hazelnut spread and will substitute maybe 1/3 of the chocolatey-hazlenutty goodness for some peanut butter. Ah yes boys and girls, it's getting mighty exciting round these parts! And if you sign-up now to be a Chemo Buddy, you too might win your very own pint of YFC's home made ice cream.
Well, that wine is a callin'. Thanks again for all of your kind words, thoughts and prayers.
Be good...
Ice cream sounds real good right now. I am sure with your talents you can start a new company with your sister.
I would call it the Ice Cream Company made with only a small ice cream machine" Catchy. I don't need any credit just a pint every now and then. Cookies and cream or Chocolate chip with be fine. Just deliver it when we are home. I would hate for it to sit in front of the house and melt.
Oh yes, the news is also wonderful to see. I have faith in your mother.
I need to schedule another chemo buddy day. I will call next week.
Cousinie Scott
Cousinie Scott
Ahh Cousinie, we look forward to your company. I'll fix you my special choclax ice cream -- 1/2 chocolate, 1/2 ex-lax. Trust me it's delicious and low calorie too.
Hope to see you soon...
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