Your Faithful Correspondent is coming to you live again, with more up to the minute coverage. Now, I know how perceptive my readers are, so hopefully the title didn't throw you off. No, you're not going to hear the latest on Mom's knees, elbows, ankles, etc. No, the joint part of the update means that YFC is going to have a special message from Mum today. So without further ado let's turn immediately to Mom:
I wanted to thank my friends and family (FoMmies) for all the love and prayers and blessings that they continue to send me. And thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes, I'm counting on a repeat for many years to come. I had wonderful celebrations.Your Faithful Correspondent was able to snag an invite to several of the approximately 682 birthday celebrations and they were truly sublime. Her house was transformed into an enormous floral boutique for her birthday ( if you're reading this and you sent flowers, please note that your arrangement was Mom's very favorite).

So, in other news, Mom has her chemo drip, drip, dripping along. Mom's white counts were a smidge low -- not low enough to stop her from having her treatment today, obviously -- but she'll be coming back for a shot on Friday. The shot will boost her white counts and will allow Mom to return for treatment next week.
Note: at this point in our update Mom had Your Faithful Correspondent doing manual labor (oh the humanity!) -- nothing too taxing mind you, just pulling her "curtains" shut, which gives off the feeling of having chemo in a tent. Thankfully, the only injury to report was YFC's bruised ego.
Well, we are coming near the end of our update. If you're getting this by e-mail, check the blog later today or tomorrow for a photographic update! (if you're reading this the pics are up now...but you knew that already)
Good tidings to all...
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