A quick report on the exploits of our favorite heroine (whether she be Chemo Queen or Warrior Woman, just make sure to answer the new poll question)...Saturday evening Mom was invited to The Living Room, Uncle Phil's oh-so-exclusive club where only the who's who of the what's what are invited to gather. It was a particularly exciting for Your Faithful Corrspondent, since Sis and I have not been invited to these events on previous occasions (undoubtedly, YFC was being penalized for his sibling's misdeeds). Actually, when Sis and I entered The Living Room we brought the average age of the house down to approximately 98.6 -- good for temperatures, not so good for a Saturday evening assemblage. Nonetheless, after making sure that Michelle promised to be on her best behavior, we joined the cognoscenti for what was billed as:
An Unforgettable Evening
The Living Room Takes Pride in Presenting
Shecky Greene - Just Extraordinary
Ryan Oakes - Conjuror - Mystifying
YFC was particularly fond of the former Mr. Sheldon Greenfield, a man who's jokes seemed frozen in time. Of course that time roughly coincided with the lifespan of the Mercury Dime. From the food to the talent to the fact that YFC was made part of the act (not by choice, mind you), it was an excellent evening. Needless to say, though say it I will, Mom was looking radiant, as always.
So what does this have to do with the price of tea in China? Gentle reader, did we not previously discuss that patience is a virtue? Well, without further ado, I bring you a short photographic essay of an evening at [dramatic pause] The Living Room...

[The rest of this post has been censored by the good people at Pravda. Something about offending delicate sensibilities. Though Your Faithful Correspondent tried to protest (for YFC is tireless in his efforts to bring you the the truth), the threat of the gulag quieted further dissention]
Sadly, on this alarming note, we must end this edition of The Chemo Chronicle. Tomorrow is a chemo day, so I am sure that there will be more soon.
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