Once again, Your Faithful Correspondent is coming to you live from chemo. As you recall, Mom had a CT scan last week. Well, the results are in...there's been a slight change. The tumor in the liver has gotten a little bit bigger in the liver (it's now 4.8 x 2.8 -- approximately 1 cm longer), but there is still no sign of the tumor in the pancreas. Doctor Troll recommended that Mom should proceed with the liver-directed therapy a/k/a TheraSpheres (where the radioactive "seeds" are implanted to target the tumor in the liver).
Of course this news is a bit disappointing. Mom hoped that the tumor would be gone entirely. That's where the the interactive portion of this posting comes in (check out the title in case you missed it). Remember when you (and just to be clear, YFC is talking directly to YOU) told Mom "if there's anything I can do, let me know..."? Well, YFC is letting you know that you can do something. Your prayers and good thoughts would be most appreciated.
Well, while Mom was in with the Troll she nipped out for a sec and called the Stork. It looks like it's going to be Theraspheres for Mom after all. Mom will have an appointment with the Stork next week (the actual date hasn't been scheduled yet) and when we get further news, you'll read it here first.
Mom had chemo today (actually she's having chemo as we speak). Per the Troll, Mom's platelets are "perfect" (318), and her numbers for hemoglobin (11.1) and white blood cells (4,000 -- normal range is 3,000 - 8,000) were also good.

Ah how very droll. Makes you want to join the Chemo Buddy program too, doesn't it?
Mom and Cousin Andee are now discussing plans for lunch. It might be Grand Lux Cafe or maybe Coco Pazzo Cafe (methinks the former is more likely than the latter). That's right boys and girls, if you sign up to be a Chemo Buddy, you too can lunch with Mom and if you're exceptionally nice (and YOU are always nice, aren't you?), YFC might also make a special guest appearance.
Well, Your Faithful Correspondent managed to forget his laptop battery so we're going to cut this a bit short. Do remember your part of the bargain -- the praying, good thoughts and whatnot -- and we'll get together again soon, k?
Positive thoughts...
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