Good morning to one and all. Your Faithful Correspondent has just finished his coffee, but it still feels like Yours Truly could use another cuppa. Anyhow, let's get right down to business...
This is a regularly scheduled off-week for Mom's chemo. However, today is still a pretty big day. That's right boys and girls, today is a CT scan day...but you probably got that from reading the title of this posting -- my Loyal Readers are such cheeky little monkeys (but just to be clear, of all the little monkeys, YOU are the cheekiest of all)! Now where were we? Ah yes, big day. And why is it such a big day? Well, this is a very important test. Here's what we're hoping for (in descending order):
a) to find out that the tumor in Mom's liver is completely gone.
b) to find out that the tumor Mom's liver has shrunk enough and in the right location (i.e., away from the heart) so that she can have the Radiofrequency Ablation rather than the brachytherapy.
c) to find out that the tumor in Mom's liver continues to respond to chemotherapy and continues to shrink.
d) Well, there really is no d. All other options are unacceptable.
So Loyal Readers, Mom's test isn't 'til this afternoon. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, think some good thoughts on Mom's behalf, won't you?
In other news, Mom attended My Fair Lady with Auntie Berba o'er the weekend. My sources tell me that Mom had a rockin' time (this comes from good authority too, YFC's source in the case was none other than Mom herself).
Also, Mom had another session with her energy healer, Tricia Eldridge. She worked on removing the cancer from the liver (previously she concentrated her efforts on the pancreas and we all know how well that worked out!). Per Trish (YFC can call her that, but she's Tricia or Ms. Eldridge to you), the session went very well. She also informed Mom that she saw her with grandchildren -- 2 girls and a boy who was smaller (probably younger...the men in our family are all big, strapping lads) than the girls.
Hmm, now that is good news. Of course, it begs the question as to what this all means for YFC and 1.5, but let's save that for another posting.

YFC doesn't really understand what it all means either, but you can send your queries to the good people at VF. As you know (and just to be clear, YOU are the knowiest of all), Your Faithful Correspondent is the shy, retiring sort. All this publicity is really quite unexpected and most unwelcome.
Finally, just another note to say how much your calls, e-mails, cards mean to Mom. YFC had a thoughts about this...the next time you write Mom, why not also write another e-mail to someone else who's important in your life? Just a simple message to say that you care and that you're thinking about them. It's really amazing how the simplest gestures can be the most meaningful of all.
YFC's simple message to his Loyal Readers: you are all wonderful and I will be forever grateful for all of the love and support that you've given Mom and our family during this difficult time.
And you're going to remember to "think shrink" too, right? And remember, by shrink, we really mean the total obliteration of any and all tumors in Mom, wherever they might reside.
Hmm, well now that we have that straightened out, feel free to enjoy your Wednesday.
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