Dear Kriyananda, Rabbi Walter, Family and Friends,
As the year comes to a close, I reflect on how grateful I am. On June 5th I was told that my prognosis was six months to a year. Today I have happily passed the six month marker, and I am looking to pass many more milestones in the future. I am eagerly looking forward to RFA (radio-frequency ablation) the first week of January. With all of the prayers and blessings I have received and continue to receive I am sure this procedure will attack the liver tumor and cause it to shrink completely. Of course, YFC will keep you abreast of my progress.
Your outpouring of love and support has been tremendous not only to me but to Corey and Michelle as well. I thank you for your all that you have done to aid me in this journey . I wish you each joy and happiness in the coming New Year. May you be blessed, may you be blessed, may you be triply blessed.
Much love and appreciation,
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
The Penultimate Chemo Chronicle of 2007 (Probably)
Greetings Loyal Readers!
We have a mighty big Chronicle in store for you today. Well, probably. YFC doesn't really plan out each edition of The Chronicle, it just sort of unfolds. That said, you might wanna pull up a comfy chair (or one of those inflatable doughnut things if you need 'em), methinks that it's gonna be a long one...
As my oh-so-smart readers know, if today is Tuesday, it must be a chemo day. Wait, did you catch that? Of course it's not Tuesday, it's Wednesday...YFC just wanted to see if you were paying attention...he's such a silly goose! It's a BIG day today. Not only is Mom is visiting with the Cotton Troll, but Cousinie Scott has graced us with his presence. Yes, today Cousinie Scott is being inducted as a Chemo Buddy and we couldn't be prouder (Melvin thought it was no big deal, but Mom and I sure do...welcome to the fraternity, cuz). Yes, Melvin the Wonder Sis made it too...and YFC was able to capture the moment on his new digital camera (but more on that in just a bit).
Let's first me onto the chemo front...well, you know that appointment that Mom had scheduled with Dr. Mellott? Troll's being what they are (just be clear: never trust anyone who spends their free time hanging out under bridges) there was a mix-up with the scheduling. Accordingly, Mom will see her on Friday.
And sadly, we got the news that Mom's chemo will be pushed off to Friday as well. Mom's platelets were too low for chemo. Her platelets registered an 83 and they should be at 100 to have chemo (though she once was able to take treatment at 95), so it'll be put off for a couple of days. Hopefully Mom and Cotton Troll will be able to put their heads together (Mom a regular human head, Cotton, a slightly elongated troll-like visage with white hairs popping up in unexpected places).
Well, a missed appointment would normally be cause for disappointment, but for Mom and YFC it just meant that we got to spend more time with Cousinie. After Mom was told that we weren't going to have chemo today, Cousinie exclaimed "well let's blow this popsicle stand!" YFC calmly explained that this term hasn't actually been used since 1995. It wan't particularly clever then, and the dozen years since it was last used didn't improve matters any. Chaos ensued. Cousinie yelled, "let's make like a tree and leave" and again YFC was put in the unfortunate position of having to explain that his lingo was dated, in this case to 1996 (at least Cousinie was making progress, albeit slowly). "We are so outta here!" -- phrase circa 1997. Finally Mom just said "let's go to lunch" and so we did exactly that, with Scottie sulking all the way.
Lunch with Cousinie was quite yummy and it was nice to catch-up on the family gossip (one of our cousins has webbed feet! Who knew?). Still, the most important news was that Cousin Lauren (or as Scottie alternately calls her "daugher Lauren", "Lauren" and "Hey you kid that takes all my money") is doing quite well after her recent diagnosis with Crohn's disease. The entire staff of The Chemo Chronicle -- from the editor, to the reporters, to various and sundry administrative personnel -- wish Lauren well.
Well, for a day that didn't have chemo there's certainly a lot to catch up on. Last Saturday Mom, Melvin and YFC spent an evening with
Uncle Russell (a/k/a Uncle Rusty, Papa, and our very own Kris Kringle). It was truly a glorious evening. Not only did we enjoy Papa's company, but we got kickass presents to boot! In fact, the very pictures that you're seeing in today's Chronicle come courtesy of the new digital camera that YFC received from his dear sweet Uncle. Speaking of, YFC is shameless (hard to believe, but true). He rather likes getting gifts, so to ensure that Uncle can continue his generous ways, be sure to stop by Colletti Gallery on Oak Street the next time you want to buy an antique poster or three. Plus, if you whisper the words "Your Faithful Correspondent" you get a generous 2% off the purchase of your new (well, new to you) Tolouse-Lautrec. When you think about it, this deal really works for everyone. You know how you're always writing to say that seeing YFC smile provides you with the warmth of a thousand suns? Well, if you go to the Gallery, Uncle Rusty will be happy. In turn, he'll have money for presents thereby making YFC happy. And as we've pretty much established, when YFC is happy the whole world is happy.
Yesterday, we dined at Chez Berba for the non-Christmas Christmas dinner. Aunt Roberta spurned the traditional Chinese feast and instead served a delicious prime rib. YFC was lucky enough to have a large hunk of meat tumble onto his shirt last night, so while typing he is simultaneously sucking on the juicy remnants of last night's spill. Mom's contribution to our non-holiday meal was an unbelievably good salad (hard to imagine that it could be so scrumptious), while YFC contributed as a raconteur, chauffeur, and as an all-around good egg.
Well, there will surely be a Friday update. Until then remember that, much like YFC is the favorite child, YOU are his favorite reader.
We have a mighty big Chronicle in store for you today. Well, probably. YFC doesn't really plan out each edition of The Chronicle, it just sort of unfolds. That said, you might wanna pull up a comfy chair (or one of those inflatable doughnut things if you need 'em), methinks that it's gonna be a long one...

And sadly, we got the news that Mom's chemo will be pushed off to Friday as well. Mom's platelets were too low for chemo. Her platelets registered an 83 and they should be at 100 to have chemo (though she once was able to take treatment at 95), so it'll be put off for a couple of days. Hopefully Mom and Cotton Troll will be able to put their heads together (Mom a regular human head, Cotton, a slightly elongated troll-like visage with white hairs popping up in unexpected places).
Well, a missed appointment would normally be cause for disappointment, but for Mom and YFC it just meant that we got to spend more time with Cousinie. After Mom was told that we weren't going to have chemo today, Cousinie exclaimed "well let's blow this popsicle stand!" YFC calmly explained that this term hasn't actually been used since 1995. It wan't particularly clever then, and the dozen years since it was last used didn't improve matters any. Chaos ensued. Cousinie yelled, "let's make like a tree and leave" and again YFC was put in the unfortunate position of having to explain that his lingo was dated, in this case to 1996 (at least Cousinie was making progress, albeit slowly). "We are so outta here!" -- phrase circa 1997. Finally Mom just said "let's go to lunch" and so we did exactly that, with Scottie sulking all the way.
Lunch with Cousinie was quite yummy and it was nice to catch-up on the family gossip (one of our cousins has webbed feet! Who knew?). Still, the most important news was that Cousin Lauren (or as Scottie alternately calls her "daugher Lauren", "Lauren" and "Hey you kid that takes all my money") is doing quite well after her recent diagnosis with Crohn's disease. The entire staff of The Chemo Chronicle -- from the editor, to the reporters, to various and sundry administrative personnel -- wish Lauren well.
Well, for a day that didn't have chemo there's certainly a lot to catch up on. Last Saturday Mom, Melvin and YFC spent an evening with
Well, there will surely be a Friday update. Until then remember that, much like YFC is the favorite child, YOU are his favorite reader.
Ho Ho Ho
Greetings Loyal Readers,
Well, today is December 25th so there's no chemo today. Mom and YFC are at Aunt Berba's house along with UM (Uncle Marc) and Bubbles the Clown (that'd be Bubby) and we will soon be sitting down to a succulent prime rib meal. Your Faithful Correspondent can hardly wait 'cause prime rib is a personal favorite. If there's one thing that's better than prime rib, it's prime rib with horseradish sauce, so YFC made sure to bring his own (not so sure about sharing it though).
Tomorrow Mom goes for her treatment with special guest chemo buddy Cousinie Scott Pawlow. We don't get to see our Cousinie as much as we'd like (though Cousinie lives in the suburbs, he commutes to one of YFC's most favorite cities -- Toronto, Canada...pretty wicked commute, eh?). Of course, what dear Cousine doesn't realize is that part of the chemo buddy initiation process (read: hazing process) includes doing YFC's bidding. Of course, he's a good guy, so YFC will probably limit the errands to shoe polishing, sammich getting, and topping off the tank with petrol (not necessarily in that order). This will be barrels o' fun (for YFC anyway) and you'll see it all when you read tomorrow's posting.
Ah yes, tomorrow's posting. Sadly, loyal readers, today's update must be cut short for a little family time. Be sure be on the lookout for tomorrow's expanded edition of The Chemo Chronicle.
Hope you're having a FoMtastic holiday...
Well, today is December 25th so there's no chemo today. Mom and YFC are at Aunt Berba's house along with UM (Uncle Marc) and Bubbles the Clown (that'd be Bubby) and we will soon be sitting down to a succulent prime rib meal. Your Faithful Correspondent can hardly wait 'cause prime rib is a personal favorite. If there's one thing that's better than prime rib, it's prime rib with horseradish sauce, so YFC made sure to bring his own (not so sure about sharing it though).
Tomorrow Mom goes for her treatment with special guest chemo buddy Cousinie Scott Pawlow. We don't get to see our Cousinie as much as we'd like (though Cousinie lives in the suburbs, he commutes to one of YFC's most favorite cities -- Toronto, Canada...pretty wicked commute, eh?). Of course, what dear Cousine doesn't realize is that part of the chemo buddy initiation process (read: hazing process) includes doing YFC's bidding. Of course, he's a good guy, so YFC will probably limit the errands to shoe polishing, sammich getting, and topping off the tank with petrol (not necessarily in that order). This will be barrels o' fun (for YFC anyway) and you'll see it all when you read tomorrow's posting.
Ah yes, tomorrow's posting. Sadly, loyal readers, today's update must be cut short for a little family time. Be sure be on the lookout for tomorrow's expanded edition of The Chemo Chronicle.
Hope you're having a FoMtastic holiday...
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A Remote Update
Greetings Loyal Readers,
But mere distance cannot keep YFC from his appointed tasks. As my loyal readers know, if today is Tuesday than it must be a blog day. Just to be clear, YFC's motto should not be confused with those other famous Tuesday mottos such as J. Wellington Wimpy ("I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today") and Mitch
Albom's "Tuesdays with Morrie" (hmm....ol' Mitch had Tuesdays with Morrie and you're spending Tuesday's with Corey).
Bubbles...err...Bubby and Mom reported that today's chemo session went swimmingly. Mom's white blood count was a bit low, but she was still able to have her treatment. The upshot is that she just needs to be mindful of washing her hands (no doubt she should be especially vigilant when coming into contact with Sister). YFC knows that many of my loyal readers will want to see Mom during the holiday season, so please remember, if you're feeling a bit under the weather, it's best to reschedule. No need to take chances, ya know? Finally, the radiofrequency ablation of Mom's liver tumor is scheduled for the first week of January. Needless to say, we're all on pins and needles (bonus points if you caught the reference...that means you've been paying attention) waiting for the procedure.
Otherwise Mom is doing well, YFC is always great and Sis is...well she tries hard and really that's what counts. Speaking about what counts, they say it's the thought that counts, but it's also pretty cool when you get a good present too. A little birdie whispered to YFC that Uncle Rusty might be getting him a new digital camera for the holidays. But here's the kicker -- he's getting it so YFC can bring you pictures and video(!) into The Chemo Chronicle. That makes the gift both awesomely cool and thoughtful...thanks in advance to my favorite Italian uncle and my third favorite Italian of all-time (behind only Chef Boyardee and Mama Celeste). In fact M
elvin was so pleased to hear the news that she once again resorted to dance, as captured in this archival footage:
YFC is blogging to you remotely, from the rocking town of Milwaukee, otherwise known as Rockin' MKE (for those of you not in the know, that's the code for General Mitchell International Airport). What is YFC doing in Old Milwaukee (which, contrary to popular opinion, does NOT taste as great as it's name and come to think of it, the name doesn't exactly conjure up gourmet images either)? An excellent question my dear sweet reader. YFC is here visiting Justina, a/k/a Dr. Tseng, the wanna be Ju (well, she is a Ju, but she wants to be a Jew...long story), helping her get some stuff together in connection with the opening of her new practice.

A little disruption to the scheduled plan of events faithful readers know, Cousinie Scott scheduled his Chemo Buddy appointment and was planning to come for a visit today. Unfortunately, his daughter Lauren has taken ill so he was unable to come today (though he has already rescheduled for next week -- such a trooper my cousinie is!). On behalf of all the staff here at The Chemo Chronicle, we wish Lauren a very speedy recovery. So, sitting in for Cousinie, who was in turn sitting in for YFC was none other than our very own Bubby (little known fact, during The War, she provided extra income to her family by performing at kids' parties as Bubbles the Clown).
Bubbles...err...Bubby and Mom reported that today's chemo session went swimmingly. Mom's white blood count was a bit low, but she was still able to have her treatment. The upshot is that she just needs to be mindful of washing her hands (no doubt she should be especially vigilant when coming into contact with Sister). YFC knows that many of my loyal readers will want to see Mom during the holiday season, so please remember, if you're feeling a bit under the weather, it's best to reschedule. No need to take chances, ya know? Finally, the radiofrequency ablation of Mom's liver tumor is scheduled for the first week of January. Needless to say, we're all on pins and needles (bonus points if you caught the reference...that means you've been paying attention) waiting for the procedure.
Otherwise Mom is doing well, YFC is always great and Sis is...well she tries hard and really that's what counts. Speaking about what counts, they say it's the thought that counts, but it's also pretty cool when you get a good present too. A little birdie whispered to YFC that Uncle Rusty might be getting him a new digital camera for the holidays. But here's the kicker -- he's getting it so YFC can bring you pictures and video(!) into The Chemo Chronicle. That makes the gift both awesomely cool and thoughtful...thanks in advance to my favorite Italian uncle and my third favorite Italian of all-time (behind only Chef Boyardee and Mama Celeste). In fact M

Be on the lookout for next week's special edition of The Chemo Chronicle. Until then, best wishes for surviving the holiday season.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The Good News
Greetings Loyal Readers,
I'm in the examination room now with Mom and Doc Cotton. Here's the skinny...well, it has been confirmed, the cancer in Mom's pancreas has been eradicated. Well, perhaps to be more precise, the doctors don't see any cancerous cells in her pancreas, though there is always the possibility that a few stray cells remain. Still the Troll has said that this is excellent news (of course, we knew that already) and that Mom's progress is better than the norm (not only did we expect nothing less from Mom, we would have accepted nothing less from Mom).
Ok, we've moved to the chemo room now, but there's more to report...all of Mom's counts looked fine (white blood cells, platelets, et al) so chemo is a "go" today. Also, the Troll explained a bit more about the cancer in the bile duct...As my oh so loyal and oh so intelligent readers recall, biliary duct cancer can be hard to diagnose and with Mom, they never could tell what the primary cancer was (though it was either biliary or pancreatic). Well, the Troll saw no problems in the bile ducts no cancerous cells and no compression of the bile duct. Now, it is unusual for the cancer to be eradicated in the primary area before it is knocked out in the places where it's spread, but again, one must remember that Mom is not an ordinary patient. In fact, when the Troll first gave Mom her prognosis, she said "Cotton Troll, that just won't do!" Ok, Mom didn't really call her Cotton Troll (not to her face anyway), but she did express that sentiment (and as we all should remember especially in the holiday season, it's the thought that counts).
Mom and Troll also discussed the radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Cotton reminded Mom that it's not standard to do RFA and that told her that there was no guarantee that it would eradicate things or even change things. However, Troll recommended it, Mom seconded it and the motion was carried. It looks like we're shooting for a January date for the soon as YFC learns more, it will be reported exclusively in The Chemo Chronicle.
Random notes...we celebrated Chanukkah (The Festival of Lights....what a great name for a holiday) at Uncle Aaron's house on Saturday. We had the most traditional of Jewish dinners -- Chinese Food (this brings to mind the ancient riddle: Jewish civilization is 6,000 years old, Chinese civilization is 5,000 years old. So the question is, what did the Jews eat for the first 1,000 years?...sure it's old, but it's also a classic). ...Also, Mom is having a rendez-vous with her friend Gloria post-chemo...high tea at The Drake. How frou-frou! YFC is a much more simple kind of guy, he likes his tea iced, with a slice of lime...the way G-d intended it to be served. ...Finally, Cousinie Scott (a man very deserving of the "ie" designation) will be making a special guest appearance at chemo next week as part of the Chemo Buddy program. If you would like to be a Chemo Buddy, e-mail Mom today. Don't delay or the best slots will be gone before you know it.
Finally, are you looking for a unique holiday gift to give to that person who has everything? Give the gift of inspiration by sending them a subscription to The Chemo Chronicle. Where else can you find a gift that costs so little, but means so much?
It's always a labor of love to write The Chronicles but YFC must confess that it's infinitely more fun when there is good news to report. So a good day to you, my loyal readers. I wish you good tidings and cheer to you and your kin...
I'm in the examination room now with Mom and Doc Cotton. Here's the skinny...well, it has been confirmed, the cancer in Mom's pancreas has been eradicated. Well, perhaps to be more precise, the doctors don't see any cancerous cells in her pancreas, though there is always the possibility that a few stray cells remain. Still the Troll has said that this is excellent news (of course, we knew that already) and that Mom's progress is better than the norm (not only did we expect nothing less from Mom, we would have accepted nothing less from Mom).
Ok, we've moved to the chemo room now, but there's more to report...all of Mom's counts looked fine (white blood cells, platelets, et al) so chemo is a "go" today. Also, the Troll explained a bit more about the cancer in the bile duct...As my oh so loyal and oh so intelligent readers recall, biliary duct cancer can be hard to diagnose and with Mom, they never could tell what the primary cancer was (though it was either biliary or pancreatic). Well, the Troll saw no problems in the bile ducts no cancerous cells and no compression of the bile duct. Now, it is unusual for the cancer to be eradicated in the primary area before it is knocked out in the places where it's spread, but again, one must remember that Mom is not an ordinary patient. In fact, when the Troll first gave Mom her prognosis, she said "Cotton Troll, that just won't do!" Ok, Mom didn't really call her Cotton Troll (not to her face anyway), but she did express that sentiment (and as we all should remember especially in the holiday season, it's the thought that counts).
Mom and Troll also discussed the radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Cotton reminded Mom that it's not standard to do RFA and that told her that there was no guarantee that it would eradicate things or even change things. However, Troll recommended it, Mom seconded it and the motion was carried. It looks like we're shooting for a January date for the soon as YFC learns more, it will be reported exclusively in The Chemo Chronicle.
Random notes...we celebrated Chanukkah (The Festival of Lights....what a great name for a holiday) at Uncle Aaron's house on Saturday. We had the most traditional of Jewish dinners -- Chinese Food (this brings to mind the ancient riddle: Jewish civilization is 6,000 years old, Chinese civilization is 5,000 years old. So the question is, what did the Jews eat for the first 1,000 years?...sure it's old, but it's also a classic). ...Also, Mom is having a rendez-vous with her friend Gloria post-chemo...high tea at The Drake. How frou-frou! YFC is a much more simple kind of guy, he likes his tea iced, with a slice of lime...the way G-d intended it to be served. ...Finally, Cousinie Scott (a man very deserving of the "ie" designation) will be making a special guest appearance at chemo next week as part of the Chemo Buddy program. If you would like to be a Chemo Buddy, e-mail Mom today. Don't delay or the best slots will be gone before you know it.
Finally, are you looking for a unique holiday gift to give to that person who has everything? Give the gift of inspiration by sending them a subscription to The Chemo Chronicle. Where else can you find a gift that costs so little, but means so much?
It's always a labor of love to write The Chronicles but YFC must confess that it's infinitely more fun when there is good news to report. So a good day to you, my loyal readers. I wish you good tidings and cheer to you and your kin...
On Pins and Needles
Greetings Loyal Readers,
YFC is blogging to you live from Mom's examination room. We're waiting for the Cotton Troll to come in to discuss the results of the latest CT scan. Needless to say Me and Mum are...well on pins and needles. So expect a grrrrreat news post soon...but until you receive the update, think good thoughts about Mom, k?
More soon...
YFC is blogging to you live from Mom's examination room. We're waiting for the Cotton Troll to come in to discuss the results of the latest CT scan. Needless to say Me and Mum are...well on pins and needles. So expect a grrrrreat news post soon...but until you receive the update, think good thoughts about Mom, k?
More soon...
Thursday, December 6, 2007
The Best Chemo Chronicle to Date
Greetings Loyal Readers,
Your Faithful Correspondent is going to dispense with the usual chit-chat and get directly to the point...Mom just received a call from the nurse @ her oncologist's office. Now, Nurse Larry Bomke would be special no matter what because of his unbelievably brilliant anagram (Nurse Larry Bomke = Yarmulkes cool is that?!?), but more importantly, he gave Mon GREAT news. Actually, that's an understatement, it was more like Tony the Tiger Grrrrrrrrreat news! Are you sitting? If you're not, you really do need to sit down (YFC likes to joke sometimes, but not really need to be planted firmly on your tuchas):
The cancer in Mom's liver has continued to shrink. It was 4.5cm x 3.8cm and it's now 3.8cm x 2.9 cm. Now, the math gets a little tricky, but that means the tumors have shrunk by another 36%. DO NOT STAND UP YET! It keeps getting better...the mass on her pancreas...they can't find it! It positively boggles the mind (and my loyal readers know that YFC is not one who is easily boggled). Mom is seeing the Cotton Troll on Tuesday so hopefully we'll get a better sense of what this all means, but one this is clear...THIS IS GREAT NEWS!!!
Mom, YFC, and even my normally ungrateful little sis' would like to thank each and every one of you who has kept Mom in your thoughts and prayers lo these many months. We have no doubt that her continued improvement was aided by the many people who have been praying for her health. Not only that, but your (and just to be clear when YFC say "your", he's referring directly to y-o-u) emotional support has been an invaluable assistance to our entire family. From the bottom of our collective hearts, thank you, thank you, thank you for everything.
Most importantly, we are seeing the positive results of all of your prayers, e-mails, cards, etc. So don't let up! Keep Mom in your heads and in your hearts and together we will defy the annals of medicine. Pfft...doctors, what do they know anyway?
Writing the Chemo Chronicle hasn't always been so easy, but it's days like this that I really adore being Your Faithful Correspondent. A special thanks for being such loyal readers.
Please look away...I'd hate for your to see YFC tearing up.
Your Faithful Correspondent is going to dispense with the usual chit-chat and get directly to the point...Mom just received a call from the nurse @ her oncologist's office. Now, Nurse Larry Bomke would be special no matter what because of his unbelievably brilliant anagram (Nurse Larry Bomke = Yarmulkes cool is that?!?), but more importantly, he gave Mon GREAT news. Actually, that's an understatement, it was more like Tony the Tiger Grrrrrrrrreat news! Are you sitting? If you're not, you really do need to sit down (YFC likes to joke sometimes, but not really need to be planted firmly on your tuchas):
The cancer in Mom's liver has continued to shrink. It was 4.5cm x 3.8cm and it's now 3.8cm x 2.9 cm. Now, the math gets a little tricky, but that means the tumors have shrunk by another 36%. DO NOT STAND UP YET! It keeps getting better...the mass on her pancreas...they can't find it! It positively boggles the mind (and my loyal readers know that YFC is not one who is easily boggled). Mom is seeing the Cotton Troll on Tuesday so hopefully we'll get a better sense of what this all means, but one this is clear...THIS IS GREAT NEWS!!!
Mom, YFC, and even my normally ungrateful little sis' would like to thank each and every one of you who has kept Mom in your thoughts and prayers lo these many months. We have no doubt that her continued improvement was aided by the many people who have been praying for her health. Not only that, but your (and just to be clear when YFC say "your", he's referring directly to y-o-u) emotional support has been an invaluable assistance to our entire family. From the bottom of our collective hearts, thank you, thank you, thank you for everything.
Most importantly, we are seeing the positive results of all of your prayers, e-mails, cards, etc. So don't let up! Keep Mom in your heads and in your hearts and together we will defy the annals of medicine. Pfft...doctors, what do they know anyway?
Writing the Chemo Chronicle hasn't always been so easy, but it's days like this that I really adore being Your Faithful Correspondent. A special thanks for being such loyal readers.
Please look away...I'd hate for your to see YFC tearing up.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
No Word Yet
Greetings Loyal Readers,
No word yet from the Troll (but then again, you probably figured that out fromn the title of this clever little devils). This is where Mom and Your Faithful Correspondent differ a bit. Mom is all, "well if the Troll had heard anything she'd have called me" whereas YFC is all "we should meet the Troll under the bridge where she lives and demand an answer."
When you're going throuugh chemo, you pretty much hold the trump card or, in Mom's case, the Get Out of Jail Free Card. Needless to say that Your Faithful Correspondent was overruled in how to approach this matter. However, if we don't hear by tomorrow, all bets are off...
YFC will leave you with Mom's words of wisdom..."think shrink" (my Sis would have you think mink, but then again she's the materialistic one, whereas YFC is the more modest child). So if you would, please send Mom good mojo, wishes, vibes, thoughts, prayers and remember to think shrink.
A Happy Chanukkah to all...
Faithfully Thinking Shrink,
No word yet from the Troll (but then again, you probably figured that out fromn the title of this clever little devils). This is where Mom and Your Faithful Correspondent differ a bit. Mom is all, "well if the Troll had heard anything she'd have called me" whereas YFC is all "we should meet the Troll under the bridge where she lives and demand an answer."
When you're going throuugh chemo, you pretty much hold the trump card or, in Mom's case, the Get Out of Jail Free Card. Needless to say that Your Faithful Correspondent was overruled in how to approach this matter. However, if we don't hear by tomorrow, all bets are off...
YFC will leave you with Mom's words of wisdom..."think shrink" (my Sis would have you think mink, but then again she's the materialistic one, whereas YFC is the more modest child). So if you would, please send Mom good mojo, wishes, vibes, thoughts, prayers and remember to think shrink.
A Happy Chanukkah to all...
Faithfully Thinking Shrink,
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Today's Update is...There is No Update (Sort Of)
Greetings Loyal Readers,
The title to today's post says it all and yet it also says nothing. Do not be alarmed dear FoMmies, Your Faithful Correspondent shall elucidate you into all the goings on in the alternate reality most commonly known as the chemo world...
Well, let's do something different and begin at the beginning for a y'all know (I love the word y'all...I had a friend, an Illinoisian who was transplanted to Dallas who used to say it, so quintessentially Texan...I also love the word quintessentially for that matter...and while I think of it I like but not love the word quince, but am somewhat indifferent to the fruit, though speaking of fruit, I did have some marvelous pomegranate the other day...I was able to buy just the seeds at Trader Joe's and they were simply sublime...ahh, sublime...there's another word I love...)...
Erm, you can ignore that last paragraph...for a change YFC has lost the plot. Let me start again. So anyway, Mom had her CT scan yesterday. She went to a different place than she has been going (instead of going to hospital, yesterday's appointment was in the same building where she gets chemo) and everything went smooth as silk (the fabric, not the soy milk). In fact it went even better than Silk (the soy milk, not the fabric...if you were paying attention you'd notice that the "S" was capitalized), because Mom had to drink less barium (1 2/3 bottles instead of nearly 3) and the whole process was more efficient so she was in and out in no time. Because my Loyal Readers like the inside scoop, allow YFC to let you in on a little secret...Mom was given the choice of berry or banana and she chose berry! How deliciously decadent!
As of yet, Mom has not heard of anything from Cotton Troll. We think/hope that she'll get a jingle tomorrow and as soon as Your Faithful Correspondent knows more, you'll read about it first in [cue bugles] The Chemo Chronicle.
You may now go back to your regularly scheduled program.
The title to today's post says it all and yet it also says nothing. Do not be alarmed dear FoMmies, Your Faithful Correspondent shall elucidate you into all the goings on in the alternate reality most commonly known as the chemo world...
Well, let's do something different and begin at the beginning for a y'all know (I love the word y'all...I had a friend, an Illinoisian who was transplanted to Dallas who used to say it, so quintessentially Texan...I also love the word quintessentially for that matter...and while I think of it I like but not love the word quince, but am somewhat indifferent to the fruit, though speaking of fruit, I did have some marvelous pomegranate the other day...I was able to buy just the seeds at Trader Joe's and they were simply sublime...ahh, sublime...there's another word I love...)...
Erm, you can ignore that last paragraph...for a change YFC has lost the plot. Let me start again. So anyway, Mom had her CT scan yesterday. She went to a different place than she has been going (instead of going to hospital, yesterday's appointment was in the same building where she gets chemo) and everything went smooth as silk (the fabric, not the soy milk). In fact it went even better than Silk (the soy milk, not the fabric...if you were paying attention you'd notice that the "S" was capitalized), because Mom had to drink less barium (1 2/3 bottles instead of nearly 3) and the whole process was more efficient so she was in and out in no time. Because my Loyal Readers like the inside scoop, allow YFC to let you in on a little secret...Mom was given the choice of berry or banana and she chose berry! How deliciously decadent!
As of yet, Mom has not heard of anything from Cotton Troll. We think/hope that she'll get a jingle tomorrow and as soon as Your Faithful Correspondent knows more, you'll read about it first in [cue bugles] The Chemo Chronicle.
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