Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Best Chemo Chronicle to Date

Greetings Loyal Readers,

Your Faithful Correspondent is going to dispense with the usual chit-chat and get directly to the point...Mom just received a call from the nurse @ her oncologist's office. Now, Nurse Larry Bomke would be special no matter what because of his unbelievably brilliant anagram (Nurse Larry Bomke = Yarmulkes cool is that?!?), but more importantly, he gave Mon GREAT news. Actually, that's an understatement, it was more like Tony the Tiger Grrrrrrrrreat news! Are you sitting? If you're not, you really do need to sit down (YFC likes to joke sometimes, but not really need to be planted firmly on your tuchas):

The cancer in Mom's liver has continued to shrink. It was 4.5cm x 3.8cm and it's now 3.8cm x 2.9 cm. Now, the math gets a little tricky, but that means the tumors have shrunk by another 36%. DO NOT STAND UP YET! It keeps getting better...the mass on her pancreas...they can't find it! It positively boggles the mind (and my loyal readers know that YFC is not one who is easily boggled). Mom is seeing the Cotton Troll on Tuesday so hopefully we'll get a better sense of what this all means, but one this is clear...THIS IS GREAT NEWS!!!

Mom, YFC, and even my normally ungrateful little sis' would like to thank each and every one of you who has kept Mom in your thoughts and prayers lo these many months. We have no doubt that her continued improvement was aided by the many people who have been praying for her health. Not only that, but your (and just to be clear when YFC say "your", he's referring directly to y-o-u) emotional support has been an invaluable assistance to our entire family. From the bottom of our collective hearts, thank you, thank you, thank you for everything.

Most importantly, we are seeing the positive results of all of your prayers, e-mails, cards, etc. So don't let up! Keep Mom in your heads and in your hearts and together we will defy the annals of medicine. Pfft...doctors, what do they know anyway?

Writing the Chemo Chronicle hasn't always been so easy, but it's days like this that I really adore being Your Faithful Correspondent. A special thanks for being such loyal readers.

Please look away...I'd hate for your to see YFC tearing up.

This just in...Your Faithful Correspondent was able to use his contacts at the TSA to secure file footage of Melvin when she heard the good news (see below)...


Cousin Stephen said...

That's the best chronicle yet! Keep up the good work, I'm talking about the Chemical Queen, not YFC!

Corey Novick said...

Luckily YFC is the gracious sort, and being of noble mind, I can forgive your slings and arrows, seeing as how we have been blessed with ourgageous fortune.

Scott said...

Dear YFC,
Looking at the TSA files I know who has the dancing skills in your family.
Tell your darling sister I send my regards.
Cousinie Scott

Corey Novick said...

Cousinie -- you are referring to YFC, right? And anyhow, our people didn't wander 40 years in the desert because they were looking for an Arthur Murray Studio.