Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Remote Update

Greetings Loyal Readers,

YFC is blogging to you remotely, from the rocking town of Milwaukee, otherwise known as Rockin' MKE (for those of you not in the know, that's the code for General Mitchell International Airport). What is YFC doing in Old Milwaukee (which, contrary to popular opinion, does NOT taste as great as it's name and come to think of it, the name doesn't exactly conjure up gourmet images either)? An excellent question my dear sweet reader. YFC is here visiting Justina, a/k/a Dr. Tseng, the wanna be Ju (well, she is a Ju, but she wants to be a Jew...long story), helping her get some stuff together in connection with the opening of her new practice.

But mere distance cannot keep YFC from his appointed tasks. As my loyal readers know, if today is Tuesday than it must be a blog day. Just to be clear, YFC's motto should not be confused with those other famous Tuesday mottos such as J. Wellington Wimpy ("I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today") and Mitch Albom's "Tuesdays with Morrie" (hmm....ol' Mitch had Tuesdays with Morrie and you're spending Tuesday's with Corey).
A little disruption to the scheduled plan of events faithful readers know, Cousinie Scott scheduled his Chemo Buddy appointment and was planning to come for a visit today. Unfortunately, his daughter Lauren has taken ill so he was unable to come today (though he has already rescheduled for next week -- such a trooper my cousinie is!). On behalf of all the staff here at The Chemo Chronicle, we wish Lauren a very speedy recovery. So, sitting in for Cousinie, who was in turn sitting in for YFC was none other than our very own Bubby (little known fact, during The War, she provided extra income to her family by performing at kids' parties as Bubbles the Clown).

Bubbles...err...Bubby and Mom reported that today's chemo session went swimmingly. Mom's white blood count was a bit low, but she was still able to have her treatment. The upshot is that she just needs to be mindful of washing her hands (no doubt she should be especially vigilant when coming into contact with Sister). YFC knows that many of my loyal readers will want to see Mom during the holiday season, so please remember, if you're feeling a bit under the weather, it's best to reschedule. No need to take chances, ya know? Finally, the radiofrequency ablation of Mom's liver tumor is scheduled for the first week of January. Needless to say, we're all on pins and needles (bonus points if you caught the reference...that means you've been paying attention) waiting for the procedure.

Otherwise Mom is doing well, YFC is always great and Sis is...well she tries hard and really that's what counts. Speaking about what counts, they say it's the thought that counts, but it's also pretty cool when you get a good present too. A little birdie whispered to YFC that Uncle Rusty might be getting him a new digital camera for the holidays. But here's the kicker -- he's getting it so YFC can bring you pictures and video(!) into The Chemo Chronicle. That makes the gift both awesomely cool and thoughtful...thanks in advance to my favorite Italian uncle and my third favorite Italian of all-time (behind only Chef Boyardee and Mama Celeste). In fact Melvin was so pleased to hear the news that she once again resorted to dance, as captured in this archival footage:

Be on the lookout for next week's special edition of The Chemo Chronicle. Until then, best wishes for surviving the holiday season.


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