Friday, June 27, 2008

Is It Friday Already?

Hey kiddies...

So I'm here at the hospital with Mom (she's asleep now).  Here's the latest...

Yesterday was a pretty crazy sincerest apologies for the failure to provide an update.  We were led to believe that Mom was going home yesterday and Michelle (that's 1.5's real name, in case you didn't know) and I got caught up trying to coordinate such things as home health care, oxygen delivery, out of town visitors, etc.  It's mostly squared away now.  Mom also had another draining and she only was able to give up 2 Big Gulps (or 1 Double Big Gulp) worth of fluid.  That's a good thing really, because it means that there's less fluid collecting on her belly.

Mom will be having a CT scan of her abdomen soon because her white blood counts are a bit elevated.  They switched Mom's antibiotics medicine to see if that will help get her numbers down.  Also, an infectious disease doctor will be stopping by to do a quick consult to see if we can get to the bottom of the white blood cell mystery.

Unfortunately, it looks like Mom will be here at least another day, pending results of her CT scan and her blood tests.  I'll try to provide another update soon.  Mom is definitely a lot more lucid than when she first got here, but she remains a bit weak.  However, she's not in any real pain, just some discomfort.

And speaking of comfort (well, technically I was speaking of discomfort, but I'm sleep deprived too, so grant me a little leeway), the many prayers said and candles lit have provided a great deal of comfort to Mom and to our family.  Mom has been inundated with an outpouring of love that has taken many forms: a call and special blessings from Mom's guru Goswami Kriyananda (it GREATLY brightened Mom's spirits), flowers sent (special thanks to Lisa and Kim), food deliveries (too numerous to list), hospital visits (like a zillion of 'em), calls & e-mails (apologies because Mom/I can't respond quickly enough) and of course your many, many prayers.  Please keep praying and Mom will do her part by fighting the good fight.

Mom sends much love to all...*


* - I'm cranky, so I'm only sending a bit of with it

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Particularly Specific Request

Hi there campers,

Ok, things are a bit better than yesterday but Mom is not out of the woods yet.  We saw Doctor Mellott this morning, in addition to the resident that's monitoring her case at the hospital. Here's what we know:
  • Mom is getting a chest x-ray today, mostly as a precautionary measure (she's actually there now). 
  • Mom should be seeing a physical therapist today.  The PT should help Mom, especially with her walking.  Mom has been pretty much confined to her room since she's been admitted, so this will be excellent.
  • Mom's potassium levels, which had been elevated, are now ok.
  • Mom's sodium levels are better too.
  • Mom's white blood cells are elevated (25,000) BUT the doctors are not worried because she is not running a fever.
  • Mom's hemoglobin is 11.3 -- good numbers.
  • Platelets are at 124 (I'm 99% sure this means 124,000 per mm3 of blood).  This is a bit higher than a previous test, so that's good too.
  • Mom's bilirubin has dropped from 4.0 - 3.5.
Now here's where that particularly specific request comes in.  Please say a prayer/a novena/a mantra/light a candle -- or better yet, all 4 -- for Mom's Billy Rubin...err drop to 2.5 (or lower).  At this level she should be able to resume chemotherapy and get back on the road to wellness.

So when you think of it, Mom's already 1/3 of the way there (for the less mathematically inclined among you, Mom's bilirubin levels would ideally drop from 4.0 --> 2.5...a total of 1.5.  She's already dropped by .5 in the short time that she's been here...if you can't figure out the rest, just start your prayers).  So do your bit will ya?

Well, what are you waiting for?  Stop reading and start praying, ok?


Why are you reading a PS?  Just PRAY!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday Morning Update

Dear FoMmies,

A quick update from Mom's hospital room...

As you know, Mom was admitted to the hospital yesterday evening.  She's had some blood tests (Mom's potassium level has dropped a bit -- which is a good thing because it was too high -- though her saline is still a bit low), a brain scan (no problems) and is having an ultrasound as we speak (they are going to get a good look at the liver).  Later today, Mom will have another ultrasound, which will allow the doctors to locate the fluid that has been collecting on her belly.  Then they will draw a small amount of liquid and test it, to see if there's anything irregular.

Mom's been given some medicine (lactulose) that encourages her to move her bowels because that will help to flush the toxins that have been building inside her.  As Mom's toxins decrease, she should have increased lucidity (thus I find myself "rooting" for Mom to go #2...what a strange position for a son to be in).   

Already I can tell that Mom appears stronger and somewhat more lucid than she was yesterday.  Her appetite is a bit better too.  By no means is Mom all the way back to normal, but she is definitely making progress.  Mom didn't sleep all that well (it's kind of hard when you're in an uncomfortable bed, hooked-up to a slow saline drip, with nurses that come in every 4 hours to take your blood pressure) and I am sure that when she gets some additional rest (and makes some additional BMs) her lucidity and strength will continue to increase.

Please keep praying for Mom's recovery.  It is the single greatest gift that you could give Mom and our family.  I will update you as soon as more information becomes available.

Be strong...


Monday, June 23, 2008

It's Corey again.  Here's the latest...

Mom had a paracentesis (draining procedure) again today.  After giving up about 3 Big Gulps worth, we went to see Mom's oncologist.

Dr. Mellott said that Mom's liver was failing.  At this point, we do not know whether Mom can "bounce back."  Mom will be admitted to the hospital fairly soon (we were waiting for a room to come open as this e-mail is being composed -- update: Mom was admitted to Northwestern, Feinberg Pavillion).

Please keep Mom in your prayers.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Difficult Times

Greetings Loyal Readers,

This is Corey, filling in for Your Favorite Correspondent.  Unfortunately, the title of today's post is not a double entendre; these really are quite difficult times...

Mom seems to have taken a turn for the worse.  Last week she went in 3 times (Monday Wednesday, Friday) to have fluid drained from her belly, the side effect of a blood clot.  Mom has been especially uncomfortable this past week and she has not been sleeping well at night. However, Mom is sleeping a fair amount in the morning and afternoon. 

Mom is also a little bit incoherent.  This could be a side effect of the disease, the medicine, the lack of sleep or, most likely, a combination of the three.  She does have her lucid moments though, and lately she seems to be doing best in the later afternoon/early evening.  While Mom's appetite has diminished somewhat, she is still eating.  Still, Mom is noticeably weaker than when she started this battle.  Hopefully she will regain some strength so she can proudly rule as Warrior Woman.

Last Friday they ran some blood work on Mom and the tests came back ok, save for elevated potassium levels.  Mom will see Dr. Mellott tomorrow.  We're hoping to get some unexpectedly good news.  As it stands now, Mom hasn't been able to receive chemo because of the fluid build-up, though there's some question as to whether she's strong enough to take handle the side effects of the medicine.  Mom thinks that there's less fluid building-up inside her lately, so perhaps that means that the blood clot is dissipating and that she will be able to resume her treatment.

I will send a follow-up report tomorrow; hopefully I will be able to bring you good news.  I know that many of you will are fairly anxious, but it's probably best not to call Mom because she is tiring pretty rapidly these past few days.  I know that many of you want to help (and I also know that many of you have been so wonderful already), so please pray for Mom.  If you can, please say a special prayer for Mom at 1:45 pm Monday, which is the time of Mom's oncology appointment.  At this point, prayer really is the best thing that you can do for Mom and for our family.

I hope to bring you good news soon.


Monday, June 16, 2008

A New Regimen

Greetings Loyal Readers,

So here's the scoop, Mom saw the Cotton Troll last Friday and was prescribed Lovenox to help stop the fluid build-up in her belly.  Don't let the name fool you though, there's very little love in Lovenox.  It's actually a medicine that Mom needs to shoot into her belly 2x/day.
Ahh, YFC heard that collective groan from his Loyal Readers.  He appreciates your empathy.  More importantly, Mom appreciates it.  Don't ask YFC how he knows, he just knows.

As if Friday wasn't enough, Mom also saw The Troll today.  She said that the fluid build-up was due to a partial blood clot in Mom's inferior vena cava (or "IVC" to those in the know).  Your Faithful Correspondent wasn't going to hear of it though.  He said that Mom's vena cava wasn't inferior to anything or anyone.  Then the Troll explained that she wasn't judging Mom's vena cava; rather she explained that the IVC is the vein that carries de-oxygenated blood from the lower part of the body to the heart.
Apparently Mom also has a superior vena cava and believe it or not, you do too!  So for my Loyal Readers who are more scientifically inclined, feel free to refer to the handy-dandy diagram that's provided for you, at right.

After Mom was poked, prodded and given the once over, the Troll decided to put Mom on a new regimen of sorts. Henceforth, Mom will have a standing appointment for paracentesis (you kiddies might prefer to say "draining" cuz it's significantly easier on the tongue) every Monday and Thursday.  Hopefully, this means less time spent at the hospital.  Unfortunately, Mom needed to be drained today and since she was an "add-on," we had to wait about 2 hours before she could go in.  That's the bad news.  Thegood news is that Mom tied her record and had another 3.75 liters of fluid drained away.  With any luck, Mom should be done with this draining nonsense in 2-3 weeks.

It's fair to say that Mom is extremely anxious to end this whole water collection nonsense.  Lately she's been feeling a lot like Ms. Violet Beauregarde (in case the name's not ringin' a bell, that's her at left) of Willy Wonka fame, with the major difference being that Mom didn't turn blue (of course, she didn't get to feel like she was eating a blueberry pie either).   So, if you've called Mom and she didn't get back to you, please realize that it's nothing personal; she just hasn't been feeling her sprightly self as of late.  You do understand don't you?  Of course you do.  And that's just one of the 37 reasons why YFC loves you so.

Well kiddies, you're all caught up now and YFC is sleepy.  Whaddya say we call it quits, eh?

Much love to all.


Thursday, June 12, 2008


Greetings Loyal Readers,

Today's title pretty much summarizes the way Mom's been feeling lately.  Yuck. But let's take a moment to explain how she got yuck.  

As you recall, when we last left Mom, she was getting her belly fluid drained (a side effect of the TheraSpheres radiation treatment -- we think).  Well, it's been a week since we last checked in on her (well, last checked in on her in a blogadocious kinda way...if you include telephonic updates, YFC checks in in his Momma an average of 12.93 times a day).  Since then, the news has been, well, yucky.  Mom had more fluid drained on Tuesday, a whopping 3 liters worth (slighty more than 3 regular size Big Gulps).  Me and Mum celebrated her draining by heading to Opera.  After a nice tasty meal, we thought that Mom was well on the road to recovery.  Sadly for Mom (and rather shockingly for the rest of humanity), for the first time in a VERY long time, YFC was mistaken.  Mom started filling up with fluid again and today she was drained of nearly 3.8 liters of fluid -- that's nearly a gallon, or 4 Big Gulps if you're so inclined.

So you probably wanna know how Mom feels, right?  Well, through the marvels of modern science, you can know exactly how she feels in just 3 easy steps!  

Step 1.Remove full one gallon jug o' milk from refrigerator (note: it's important that the milk is full, preferably unopened).
Step 2.Duct tape the jug o' milk to your belly.  Make sure it's nice and tight.
Step 3.Attempt to resume normal activities.  For best results, leave jug in position for at least 24 hours.

After today's draining, Mom had a CT scan, which should hopefully allow the doctors to determine the cause of Mom's problems.  We're hoping to get some results by tomorrow, but we expect to know something by Monday at the latest.

Oh, YFC probably should have mentioned that the duct tape is going to hurt a bit when you rip it off.  Good luck.

Be good...


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mom's Feeling a Bit Drained

Greetings Loyal Readers,

A happy Wednesday to all.  Your Faithful Correspondent is bringing you a quick chemo update 'cause, you know, he does that sort of thing.

Mom did have chemo today and she was joined by returning Chemo Buddy Trudy who came all the way from Santa Fe.  Having Trudy accompany Mom was a true pleasure, but somewhat less pleasurable was Mom's quick trip to interventional radiology.  Once again she had a paracentesis procedure (for my Loyal Readers who are somewhat less technologically inclined,when you see a word of phrase that's underlined and/or in a different color, you can click on it to link to more information).  This time the doctors drained about 1.6 liters from her belly. For those of you who are having a hard time visualizing what that means, the amount of liquid drained from Mom's belly was more than a Super Big Gulp, but less than a Double Big Gulp. 

Kind of draws things into focus, no?

Other than the unscheduled pit-stop, Mom is doing well.  Many thanks to my Loyal Readers for their loyalty to Mom.  The other bloggers are all jealous because it is well-known that my Loyal Readers are the most loyal of 'em all.

Be good, my friends...


Monday, June 2, 2008


Greetings Loyal Readers,

Your Faithful Correspondent must apologize for being just a wee bit lax with the updates -- kind of like some of you have been lax with your words of support for Mom (no, not YOU...this is being directed to the other readers of le blog).  Thankfully YFC is far too big of a man to "go there". 

Well, so much for pleasantries, onto the news...a number of you have inquired as to Mom's post-procedure condition.  YFC can confirm that everything went both okey and dokey.  Mom was a wee bit tender and groggy afterwards, but otherwise all was copacetic.  Dr. Stork said the procedure went off without a hitch (or words to that effect).  Mom was quick to let him know that she's be perfectly pleased if the radioactive seeds would hurry-up and finish working their magic, so that she wouldn't have to deal with this nonsense anymore thankyouverymuch.

Melvin the Wonder Sis joined YFC and helped him tend to the brave little patient's every whim (and be assured, there were plenty of whims to attend to).   In fact, because she was such a good little helper (not to be confused with Santa's Little Helper, at right) Sis will go back to being #1.5, instead of her customary position as #2.

Give it another week or so and Melvin will undoubtedly be anchored in second place (incidentally, that's her, at left).  Of course, my Loyal Readers are probably wondering how YFC can tell the two apart so easily.  It's quite simple really; it's the tail.  As anyone can plainly see (well, maybe not in this picture), Sis' tail is much, much longer.

Today (Monday...yeah, most of you will read this Tuesday, but if you read on, you'll see that Your Faithful Correspondent had a very rough day) Mom was scheduled for chemo.  She met with the Cotton Troll, who gave her the ol' once over.  Mom admitted that she wasn't feeling well because she felt a lot of pressure on her belly.  Well, turns out she had a water build-up, so chemo was pushed back to Wednesday,  Instead, we took a trip to the hospital (Stork's office is just across the street) so Mom could undergo a paracentesis procedure.

Now, I know my Loyal Readers are probably thinking "pair of saint what's this?" but allow YFC to explain...paracentesis is a procedure to remove a fluid build-up from the belly.  First they start with an ultrasound to locate the fluid build-up.  Then, the fluid is withdrawn with a long, thin needle.  Mom went in with hardly a complaint.  Approximately 50 minutes and half a gallon of belly juice later and Mom was all done.  

(in case you forgot what she looked like, that's Mom with her friend Maria the Wolf, above right)

Kinda crazy, right?  Oh don't worry, there's more...while all this was going on, YFC got a message from Auntie Berba that Bubbles the Clown was in the emergency room because she burned herself when her nightgown caught on fire.  About 2 dozen unanswered phone calls later, YFC can report than G-Mom is doing ok.  Now, this is a bit unconventional but YFC would like to ask a teensie-weensie favor for himself.  Here goes: Loyal Readers, Your Faithful Correspondent implores you...please do NOT get sick, injured, maimed, bruised, hurt, harmed, wounded, etc.  This is becoming a wee bit taxing so if you could see to it that you take care to take care, YFC would be much obliged.

Thank you.

Onto happier things, YFC and Mom recently celebrated Uncle Rusty's birthday with him.  It was a very exclusive soiree.  Natch all the most glamorous people were there, namely UR, Mom andYFC (if you didn't get an invite, not to worry...chances are you just weren't pretty enough).  Speaking of pretty, that pic, at left, is Uncle R blowing out the candles of his birthday cake.  Despite turning another year older, he still looks like a young Cary Grant (admittedly you hafta squint a bit).  Note that the glass of wine in the foreground is a 2000 Silver Oak, Napa Valley.  If you're an oenophile, your mouth is probably watering right now (and even if you're not an oenophile, just try saying the word "oenophile."  No really, say it.  It's decadent enough to make you want to become a wine-lover, just so you can justify saying "oenophile" time and time again).  The cake was good, the food was great, the wine was simply mind-blowing.  And the company...even better.

So a quick wrap-up: Mom's doing a bit better and goes for chemo on Wednesday.  Bubby's ok too, but her arm's going to hurt for a while.  Russell's older and has delicious wine.   And YFC..well, he's just happy to be bring you all the news that's fit to print.  Now do your part of the bargain and stay healthy, k?

Wishing good health to all...



You get a special bonus pic today.  Think of it as YFC's way of apologizing for being a bit tardy with this posting.  Why a cupcake?  Nosy little things, aren't you?  Well, if you simply must know, Your Faithful Correspondent likes taking pictures of food and this cupcake looked particularly scrumptuous.  

It didn't taste half-bad either.