Greetings Loyal Readers,
Your Faithful Correspondent must apologize for being just a wee bit lax with the updates -- kind of like some of you have been
lax with your words of support for Mom (no, not YOU...this is being directed to the other readers of le blog). Thankfully YFC is far too big of a man to "go there".
Well, so much for pleasantries, onto the news...a number of you have inquired as to Mom's post-procedure condition. YFC can confirm that everything went both okey and dokey. Mom was a wee bit tender and groggy afterwards, but otherwise all was copacetic. Dr. Stork said the procedure went off without a hitch (or words to that effect). Mom was quick to let him know that she's be perfectly pleased if the radioactive seeds would hurry-up and finish working their magic, so that she wouldn't have to deal with this nonsense anymore thankyouverymuch.
Melvin the Wonder Sis joined YFC and helped him tend to the brave little patient's every whim (and be assured, there were plenty of whims to attend to). In fact, because she was such a good little helper (not to be confused with
Santa's Little Helper, at right) Sis will go back to being #1.5, instead of her customary position as #2.
Give it another week or so and Melvin will undoubtedly be anchored

in second place (incidentally, that's her, at left). Of course, my Loyal Readers are probably wondering how YFC can tell the two apart so easily. It's quite simple really; it's the tail. As anyone can plainly see (well, maybe not in this picture), Sis' tail is much, much longer.
Today (Monday...yeah, most of you will read this Tuesday, but if you read on, you'll see that Your Faithful Correspondent had a very rough day) Mom was scheduled for chemo. She met with the Cotton Troll, who gave her the ol' once over. Mom admitted that she wasn't feeling well because she felt a lot of pressure on her belly. Well, turns out she had a water build-up, so chemo was pushed back to Wednesday, Instead, we took a trip to the hospital (Stork's office is just across the street) so Mom could undergo a paracentesis procedure.
Now, I know my Loyal Readers are probably thinking "pair of saint what's this?" but allow YFC to explain...paracentesis is a procedure to remove a fluid build-up from the belly. First they

start with an ultrasound to locate the fluid build-up. Then, the fluid is withdrawn with a long, thin needle. Mom went in with hardly a complaint. Approximately 50 minutes and half a gallon of belly juice later and Mom was all done.
(in case you forgot what she looked like, that's Mom with her friend Maria the Wolf, above right)
Kinda crazy, right? Oh don't worry, there's more...while all this was going on, YFC got a message from Auntie Berba that Bubbles the Clown was in the emergency room because she burned herself when her nightgown caught on fire. About 2 dozen unanswered phone calls later, YFC can report than G-Mom is doing ok. Now, this is a bit unconventional but YFC would like to ask a teensie-weensie favor for himself. Here goes: Loyal Readers, Your Faithful Correspondent implores you...please do NOT get sick, injured, maimed, bruised, hurt, harmed, wounded, etc. This is becoming a wee bit taxing so if you could see to it that you take care to take care, YFC would be much obliged.
Thank you.
Onto happier things, YFC and Mom recently celebrated Uncle Rusty's birthday with him. It was a very exclusive soiree. Natch all the most glamorous people were there, namely UR, Mom and

YFC (if you didn't get an invite, not to worry...chances are you just weren't pretty enough). Speaking of pretty, that pic, at left, is Uncle R blowing out the candles of his birthday cake. Despite turning another year older, he still looks like a young Cary Grant (admittedly you hafta squint a bit). Note that the glass of wine in the foreground is a 2000
Silver Oak, Napa Valley. If you're an oenophile, your mouth is probably watering right now (and even if you're not an oenophile, just try saying the word "oenophile." No really, say it. It's decadent enough to make you want to become a wine-lover, just so you can justify saying "oenophile" time and time again). The cake was good, the food was great, the wine was simply mind-blowing. And the company...even better.
So a quick wrap-up: Mom's doing a bit better and goes for chemo on Wednesday. Bubby's ok too, but her arm's going to hurt for a while. Russell's older and has delicious wine. And YFC..well, he's just happy to be bring you all the news that's fit to print. Now do your part of the bargain and stay healthy, k?
Wishing good health to all...
You get a special bonus pic today. Think of it as YFC's way of apologizing for being a bit tardy with this posting. Why a cupcake? Nosy little things, aren't you? Well, if you simply must know, Your Faithful Correspondent likes taking pictures of food and this cupcake looked particularly scrumptuous.
It didn't taste half-bad either.