A happy Wednesday to all. Your Faithful Correspondent is bringing you a quick chemo update 'cause, you know, he does that sort of thing.
Mom did have chemo today and she was joined by returning Chemo Buddy Trudy who came all the way from Santa Fe. Having Trudy accompany Mom was a true pleasure, but somewhat less pleasurable was Mom's quick trip to interventional radiology. Once again she had a paracentesis procedure (for my Loyal Readers who are somewhat less technologically inclined,
when you see a word of phrase that's underlined and/or in a different color, you can click on it to link to more information). This time the doctors drained about 1.6 liters from her belly. For those of you who are having a hard time visualizing what that means, the amount of liquid drained from Mom's belly was more than a Super Big Gulp, but less than a Double Big Gulp.

Kind of draws things into focus, no?
Other than the unscheduled pit-stop, Mom is doing well. Many thanks to my Loyal Readers for their loyalty to Mom. The other bloggers are all jealous because it is well-known that my Loyal Readers are the most loyal of 'em all.
Be good, my friends...
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