Today's title pretty much summarizes the way Mom's been feeling lately. Yuck. But let's take a moment to explain how she got yuck.
As you recall, when we last left Mom, she was getting her belly fluid drained (a side effect of the TheraSpheres radiation treatment -- we think). Well, it's been a week since we last checked in
on her (well, last checked in on her in a blogadocious kinda way...if you include telephonic updates, YFC checks in in his Momma an average of 12.93 times a day). Since then, the news has been, well, yucky. Mom had more fluid drained on Tuesday, a whopping 3 liters worth (slighty more than 3 regular size Big Gulps). Me and Mum celebrated her draining by heading to Opera. After a nice tasty meal, we thought that Mom was well on the road to recovery. Sadly for Mom (and rather shockingly for the rest of humanity), for the first time in a VERY long time, YFC was mistaken. Mom started filling up with fluid again and today she was drained of nearly 3.8 liters of fluid -- that's nearly a gallon, or 4 Big Gulps if you're so inclined.

So you probably wanna know how Mom feels, right? Well, through the marvels of modern science, you can know exactly how she feels in just 3 easy steps!

Step 1.Remove full one gallon jug o' milk from refrigerator (note: it's important that the milk is full, preferably unopened).
Step 2.Duct tape the jug o' milk to your belly. Make sure it's nice and tight.
Step 3.Attempt to resume normal activities. For best results, leave jug in position for at least 24 hours.
After today's draining, Mom had a CT scan, which should hopefully allow the doctors to determine the cause of Mom's problems. We're hoping to get some results by tomorrow, but we expect to know something by Monday at the latest.
Oh, YFC probably should have mentioned that the duct tape is going to hurt a bit when you rip it off. Good luck.
Be good...
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