Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Particularly Specific Request

Hi there campers,

Ok, things are a bit better than yesterday but Mom is not out of the woods yet.  We saw Doctor Mellott this morning, in addition to the resident that's monitoring her case at the hospital. Here's what we know:
  • Mom is getting a chest x-ray today, mostly as a precautionary measure (she's actually there now). 
  • Mom should be seeing a physical therapist today.  The PT should help Mom, especially with her walking.  Mom has been pretty much confined to her room since she's been admitted, so this will be excellent.
  • Mom's potassium levels, which had been elevated, are now ok.
  • Mom's sodium levels are better too.
  • Mom's white blood cells are elevated (25,000) BUT the doctors are not worried because she is not running a fever.
  • Mom's hemoglobin is 11.3 -- good numbers.
  • Platelets are at 124 (I'm 99% sure this means 124,000 per mm3 of blood).  This is a bit higher than a previous test, so that's good too.
  • Mom's bilirubin has dropped from 4.0 - 3.5.
Now here's where that particularly specific request comes in.  Please say a prayer/a novena/a mantra/light a candle -- or better yet, all 4 -- for Mom's Billy Rubin...err drop to 2.5 (or lower).  At this level she should be able to resume chemotherapy and get back on the road to wellness.

So when you think of it, Mom's already 1/3 of the way there (for the less mathematically inclined among you, Mom's bilirubin levels would ideally drop from 4.0 --> 2.5...a total of 1.5.  She's already dropped by .5 in the short time that she's been here...if you can't figure out the rest, just start your prayers).  So do your bit will ya?

Well, what are you waiting for?  Stop reading and start praying, ok?


Why are you reading a PS?  Just PRAY!

1 comment:

stinkytofu said...

Time to kick it up a notch with the recovery and drop the Bilirubin number. You've got a playdate on Sunday.

We'll be on hyperspeed with our prayers.

Steve, Ting, and Zoe

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